
The Use of Electronic Health Records

Electronic health records, additionally called electronic patient records or computerized patient records, are accumulations of patients’ therapeutic history over a time of time inside an organization. These histories have been recorded digitally and incorporate complete data applicable to a patient’s

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Erstes Treffen der MAA-Arbeitsgruppe „Tourismus“ am 27. Juni 2019 The First Meeting of the MAA-Working Group “Tourism” on 27th May, 2019 Première rencontre des groupes de travail MAA « Tourisme» le 27 mai 2019

Diskussionsrundebeim Treffen der Mittelstandsallianz Afrika-Arbeitsgruppe „Tourismus“ am 27. Juni2019 in der Bundeszentrale des BVMW in Berlin. Die Arbeitsgruppe „Tourismus“ der Mittelstandsallianz Afrika versammelte sich am 27. Juni 2019 in der Bundeszentrale des BVMW in Berlin,um Projekte in Afrika zu besprechen

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Lift the veil on drug pricing and trade agreements, the UN urges companies and states

New United Nations report calls for drug companies to spill closely held secrets and patent reforms. A United Nations panel has called for pharmaceutical companies and governments to be more transparent about drug prices and closed door trade agreements it

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Pedal power: Malawi’s ‘rickshaw’ bush ambulances cycle the sick to care

Already used in countries like Namibia, the ambulances could help cut child and maternal mortality rates. It is a sweltering day in Malawi’s Nsanje district and the gravel paths in Nelson village are deserted. Two young women lie under the

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​Rains and conflict will make bids to control South Sudan’s cholera outbreak harder

Violence has contributed to the epidemic; aid agencies can’t travel freely and are removing nonessential staff. In the wake of renewed violence and insecurity, South Sudan is now also facing a cholera outbreak. But many aid agencies are working with

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In rural Kenya, camel clinics bring care to those who need it

Healthcare for Kenya’s semi-nomadic communities comes in an unlikely form of camels, who carry medicine to the country’s most remote villages. It’s long before dawn in the thorny scrublands of northern Kenya. A recalcitrant camel grunts as nurse Pauline Nunu

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Sunlight + plastic bottles = clean drinking water in Africa’s largest urban slum

A novel and easy way to disinfect water using freely available solar power is helping to combat the spread of disease in developing countries. When David Ingavo, a village elder in the Kibera slums in Nairobi, started having persistent stomach

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Camp closure is next health crisis

Camp closure is next health crisis Sending Dadaab’s refugees back to Somalia will become the next health emergency. Sitting in a shelter made of branches and torn fabric, Amina cradles a small boy on her lap. The child is listless

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South Sudan: From war to water crisis

The start of the rainy season in the war-torn country could spell a cholera outbreak. Martha Nyimun, 35, wipes the sweat from her brow. She’s breathing heavily but doesn’t slow down. With the sun blazing from a cloudless sky, Nyimun

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8 things you should never say to a depressed person

Clinical depression is tough to experience and understand. It consists of a wide variety of mood disorders, which impact lives differently. Experiencing the peaks and plunges of feeling down or having a bad day is universal – clinical depression is an

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