
EBOLA – What you need to know

by:  Health Hub | Empowering Lives There is currently an Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) outbreak that has affected several West African Countries including Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leon and Guinea. The Ministry of Health, Kenya is closely monitoring the outbreak and

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Healthcare IT Driven By The Patient

August 20, 2014 by Mike Monocello, editor-in-chief, Business Solutions magazine Demands for patient privacy and safety are sparking many of the IT purchases in the healthcare market. Few, if any, markets have the IT spending potential that we see in

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Will Big Data Have A Direct Impact On Patient Care?

August 19, 2014 by Megan Williams, Healthcare Content Strategy Consultant Big Data is headed for the patient bed-side, but there’s still work to be done The discussion around Big Data in healthcare can frequently feel very removed from the patient

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Brain Hacking Is Having Incredible Effects, and It’s Just Getting Started

Business InsiderAug 16, 2014 TumblrFacebookTwitterMailCopy Link (Morris MacMatzen/Reuters) With a jolt of electricity, you might be able to enter a flow state that allows you to learn a new skill twice as quickly, solve problems that have mystified you for

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US bots flagged Ebola before outbreak announced

By RODRIQUE NGOWI – August 10, 2014   BOSTON (AP) — The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is focusing a spotlight on an online tool run by experts in Boston that flagged a “mystery hemorrhagic fever” in forested areas of

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Microchips Will Be Implanted Into Healthy People Sooner Than You Think

by Dina Specto – Business Insider – August 09,2014   In March 2009, British researcher Mark Gasson had a chip injected under the skin of his hand. The chip, a slightly more advanced version of the tags used to track

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How can Africa settle its health bill?

01 Aug 2014 00:00 Mia Malan   Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates speaks to the Mail & Guardian about Africa’s health challenges. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has underscored the importance not only of primary healthcare, but in particular the role community

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Hepatitis E found in donor blood; call for EU screening

by: Paris (AFP)   One in almost 3,000 blood donors in England carry the hepatitis E virus (HEV) which can cause liver disease, said a study Monday that sparked a call for screening in Europe. Published on World Hepatitis Day,

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Big Data’s Effect on Organ Transplants Wait List

by: IMTCA Globe — July 24, 2014 Of 28,594 organs transplanted in 2013, you haven’t heard about most. The stories of a few might go viral thanks to social media, but the vast majority of donated organs are harvested from

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Agents get subsidized ‘Obamacare’ using fake IDs

by: WASHINGTON (AP) — Undercover investigators using fake identities were able to secure taxpayer-subsidized health insurance under President Barack Obama’s health care law, congressional investigators said Wednesday. The weak link seemed to be call centers that handled applications for frazzled

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