by: Ina van der Linde, 23 Jul 2014, The drug previously showed it can activate hidden HIV in the cells. Now it shows it can activate the virus, making it traceable by the immune system. A pilot study by…
by: Ina van der Linde, 23 Jul 2014, The drug previously showed it can activate hidden HIV in the cells. Now it shows it can activate the virus, making it traceable by the immune system. A pilot study by…
by Elise Solé, Jul 15, 2014 Among the many instruments your doctor uses — stethoscope, thermometer, scale — the most valuable one may be in her pocket: a smartphone. Due to increasingly compressed office visits, patients are becoming more…
by: Bruce Carothers, Vice President of Telehealth Solutions for AMN Healthcar, July 14, 2014 I recently read a compelling but disturbing story about our fragmented care system from an ED physician who became a trauma patient while on a business…
By: THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times JULY 7, 2014 Americans are already experiencing long waits to get doctor’s appointments, and experts say the delays are bound to get worse when millions of previously uninsured Americans get health coverage under…
by: Mr. Barry Childs 27 Jun 2014 Greater collaboration and sharing of information between stakeholders will lead to reductions in costs. Healthcare is complex. Our bodies are the most complex machines we know of, and our brains and minds…
By: Mr. Harish Kapoor Founder Director at Quantum Therapeutics (a div. of Dr. I-Net Corporation) June 20, 2014 Patient empowerment and engagement are the new healthcare models that will improve quality and bring cost saving, by removing the waste and…
By Malarie Gokey — May 29, 2014 Samsung beat Apple to the punch on Wednesday when it announced a new mobile medical tech platform called Simband. It’s a prototype smartwatch with a heavy emphasis on health and fitness, and it’s…